2019/20 Newport Laser Fleet 413
Notice of Race
Date: Sundays from November 3, 2019 thru April 26, 2020. Holiday breaks to be announced (If any.)
Location: Sail Newport, Newport, RI. Racing to take place in the waters of Newport Harbor. Directions at www.sailnewport.org/contact.html
Registration: Register online now (www.newportlaserfleet.org )
Schedule: First race 1:00. No start after 3:00 pm.
Results: Results available immediately after sailing at IYAC. 536 Thames St. Newport.
Fee: $195.00 (paid online at registration) Check website for discounts for college and junior sailors.
Storage: For skippers paying for winter storage (included in Fleet 413 frostbiting fee) boats can be stored at Sail Newport from November 3, 2019 until April 26, 2020. All other boats must be removed from premises.
Eligibility: Open to registered sailors in Laser and Laser Radial rigs.
Safety & Responsibility: Sailors are required to wear adequate protective gear & PFD’s. Laser Fleet 413 holds to the following informal rule during adverse conditions, 3 strikes and you are out. Whereas a strike equals a flip. Sailors that find themselves in this situation are strongly urged to sail back to the safety of the shore for the remainder of the day.
Starts: Starts will be 3 minute dinghy starts.
Courses: Windward-Leeward, Triangle, Harry Anderson, M, or combinations of.
Sail Numbers: Sailors are required to have UNIQUE sail numbers.
Race Committee: All competitors are required to sign up (online) for a day of race committee work.
Protests: 360 turns are required of boats that foul. If you wish to protest you must organize the protest committee yourself. If you foul and don’t do your penalty turn you have cheated everyone else and yourself. Remember “If in winning the race you have lost the respect of your fellow competitors then you have not won at all.” – Paul Elvstrom
Scoring: Using low point scoring with no throw out races.
Contacts: Jack McVicker or Scott Pakenham LaserFleet413@gmail.com
Loaner boats: Laser Fleet 413 has 4+ loaner boats available. These are on a reserved basis, please see Scott for reservations.
Charter boats: A few sources exist within the fleet, contact Jack and Scott. Outside the fleet contact Sturgis Boatworks.